Thursday, 21 October 2010

About The Big Business Society

The Big Business Society, what is it ?

David Cameron's big idea is called 'The Big Society' and apparently he's really keen on it. He tried to explain it to the Conservative Party during their Conference and they were sufficiently envigorated by the concept that most managed to stay awake.

So, very few people actually know what it means in practice, but it sounds to me like public services being handed over to philanthopic business people. This breed of business person was declared extinct in the 1890's but it seems no one has told Cameron.

When details of Gideon Osborne's post-election 'Comprehensive Spending Review' were leaked in advance there were concerns raised by the usual suspects. The result was that 35 self-appointed business people decided to intervene in what we laughably refer to as our democracy to ensure that the interests of business were placed before those of the peoples of these islands. It was clear from that moment that The Big Society was really for the benefit of those who control the Conservative Party's purse strings, hence the parody name of The Big Business Society.

Now, no one, at least no one here, is going to deny these business people the right to voice their political opinions and to say which government policies they support, collectively or individually, or say which party they support. However actions have consequences, and their actions mean that supporters of the boycott will wish to take their trade elsewhere.

In short, you can be a coalition supporting business fat cat who stores his money in an offshore tax haven if you like but don't expect me to contribute to your tax avoided wealth.

The current idea I'm working to (subject to the views of followers and contributors to this blog) is that we'll publish details of the 35 company directors one at a time, their businesses, brands, products etc so that people know where not to shop this Christmas. We'll also list alternative, politics free suppliers of the same type of goods, because we are not asking people to go without, just change where they shop.

Boycotts have long history and some have been successful. For example, in the early 80s Barclays Bank was the number 1 bank for new student accounts in the UK. Then the NUS launched a boycott campaign as Barclays were involved with the then apartheid regime in South Africa. By the time Nelson Mandela was released Barclays were bottom of the big four High Street banks in terms of student accounts. As people tend to stay with a bank for life they are probably still losing custom because of links they severed a long time ago.

It's time to take our country back.

Please help.


  1. Impressed with your writing George, and getting the distinct impression this blog will be worthwhile.

  2. Thanks very much. Let's shake things up a bit.
